Improve Your English
Webster Vienna Private University's Intensive English and International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Exam Preparation Course develops the advanced academic English skills and confidence students need to succeed in academia, pass the IELTS exam for admission to Webster Vienna Private University's degree programs or enter the workforce.
The course takes one to four semesters to improve mastery of English and learn advanced English for Academic Purposes (EAP) fundamentals, such as academic writing, active listening, critical thinking, presentation and research skills.

Achieve confident and accurate speaking, reading, writing and comprehension of English at an advanced level.
Analyze, research and present information on an academic topic in preparation for academic study.
Produce written work on academic topics using correct grammar, appropriate language, creative language when necessary, and correct referencing in APA style.
Present effectively using reading or listening materials, and achieve your goals.
Upon arrival in the beautiful, historic city of Vienna, you will be greeted by a member of our team and given an assessment to ensure you are placed in the right program.
Our professional and motivated faculty will then ensure that you reach your goal and take the next step in your studies or career.
Our support services include one-on-one tutoring in the Language Center, a Student
Resource Center, Counseling Services, Career Services and our Student Government Association,
which organizes a variety of social activities, parties and extracurricular events
to help you enjoy your time with us.
Stop by the Language Center during office hours in room 3.08.
Our program is taught by experienced, dedicated faculty using state-of-the-art instructional materials in both face-to-face and online format. Webster Vienna Private University, in partnership with the British Council Austria, helps students achieve their goal of passing the IELTS exam and realize their dream of higher study, international immigration or dream job.

“I successfully completed the English preparation program in less than a semester by choosing Webster Vienna Private University, located in one of the most beautiful palaces in this city.”

"I was helped by experienced and capable professors whose punctual attendance and correct answers made my early progress possible. It should be mentioned that the presence of a friendly and caring staff, the kind and courteous students and the safe and quiet environment always evoke in me the feeling of being in a family."
من با انتخاب درست دانشگاه بین المللی وبستر که در یکی از زیباترین کاخ های وین واقع شده است و همچنین کمک اساتید با سابقه و توانمند که حضور به موقع و پاسخ های صحیحشان باعث پیشرفت زودهنگام من شدند توانستم کمتر از یک ترم در کلاس های زبان انگلیسی که با هدف آماده سازی امتحان آیلتس طراحی شده اند به موفقیت برسم. لازم به ذکر است وجود کارکنان مهربان و دلسوز, دانشجویانی که رفتار صمیمی و دوستانه دارند و محیط امن و آرام آن همیشه حس بودن در یک خانواده را برای من تداعی می کند.

“The opportunity to improve my English skills so I could study at Webster Vienna Private University was the main reason I enrolled in the International English Preparatory Program.”

BA in Business Administration, ’26
My experience far exceeded my expectations, i.e., I thought it would take much longer to overcome the language barriers and reach such a level of English proficiency that would enable me to study at Webster Vienna. As a result, I started my my regular study program in proper English language a few days ago. In summary, I highly recommend the International English Preparatory Program as it is truly second to none.
To što sam mogao da unaprijedim svoje znanje engleskog jezika na način koji će mi omogućiti da studiram na Univerzitetu Webster u Beču bio je glavni motiv zašto sam se upisao na Međunarodni program pripreme za engleski jezik. Moja iskustva su daleko iznad onoga što sam očekivao, odnosno mislio sam da će mi trebati mnogo više vremena da prevaziđem jezičke barijere i dostignem takav nivo znanja engleskog jezika koji bi mi omogućio da upišem Webster Univerzitet u Beču. Rezultat je da sam prije nekoliko dana počeo redovno studirati program na engleskom jeziku. Na kraju, želim samo da vam toplo preporučim Međunarodni program pripreme za engleski jezik, jer je zaista bez premca.
Improve English Skills for Academics, Writing, Listening and Research
Tuition fee for one semester: 6,500 euros
Excluding miscellaneous fees and flat fee.
Tuition fee for one academic year: 13,000 euros
Excluding miscellaneous fees and flat fee.
Start your journey now, and take the first step! Request More Information about attending Webster Vienna Private University.
Call us Today at +43 (0) 664 427 3641

Application Process

Students who wish to complete the above preparation program do so with the intention of qualifying for and starting a full bachelor’s or master’s degree program. Students must therefore submit and complete a regular online admissions application and submit their academic transcripts, original applicant essay, English language test scores (information on current level of English), valid passport copy and recommendation letter. Discover more details on application deadlines, steps and required documents.
Start your journey now, and take the first step!
Request More Information about attending Webster Vienna Private University.
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